Therapeutic Music

How did you learn the alphabet?  (Most likely, you sang it)

     How about vowels?

          The sounds letters make?

               Combining those sounds?

                    The months of the year?

                         The days of the week?

                              The states in our country?



You possibly learned many of these ~ and others ~ listening to ~ and singing along to ~ School House Rock. or Sesame Street or Between the Lions or Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood or programs on Noggin or  PBSKids  or . . . . . .  there are so many networks and programs and apps for kids ~ on tv; online; streaming ~ and they watch and learn on the tv/iPad/iPod/laptop/desktop/phones ~ WOW!

Electronics has brought learning literally into our hands, but what is it about these programs and apps that not only appeals to learners, but actively stimulates the brain?

Music is the answer!

Why? Music provides new avenues into and through our brains.

Music ~

  • engages different learning areas of the brain
  • fosters curiosity
  • awakens creativity



Using songs and various instruments, as well as vocals and keyboards, we explore various modes of learning through music. Coordinating with various learning abilities, modes, and styles, I integrate grade-level, age-appropriate concepts which form a foundation for further growth.

Therapeutic Music is an exploration of what each student is capable of. Together, your child and I use music to help us build ~ and then cross ~ bridges throughout the avenues of our brains.

Therapeutic Music has been shown to especially support non-neurotypical learners and enhance their learning, but is terrific for learners of all abilities.

Therapeutic Music is not Music Therapy ~ I am not a licensed Music Therapist. Therapeutic Music incorporates music and learning ~ we are actually creating and establishing new neural pathways, as well as accessing them.

Therapeutic Music is individually tailored to YOUR child’s needs!!

How can Therapeutic Music help you, your child, your family?

Please call to discuss your child’s situation ~

Please contact the Stone House Studio at 262.377.5959

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